One piece is a Japanese manga series that’s renowned for its almost endless amount of world building, its intriguing and expansive cast, and really good story telling, with a multitude of characters that you couldn’t help but make your favorite. Besides the manga, the anime adaptation has only brought more and more to this franchise, animating all the battles and adding episodes so the manga can have time to write. Currently the manga has 1099 chapters and 106 volumes and the anime has a whopping 1083 episodes, each episode is about 24 minutes long. Even with the franchise being so long, it only gives the fans more to love.
“The more I read it the more my love for it grows,” junior Christopher Jacobs, a die hard fan, said. “I’m all caught up with the manga and I’ve been rereading my favorite parts and I’m even up to date with the anime.”
The franchise has only grown since its introduction in Shonen jump magazine in 1997, even getting its own balloon in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade this year. Luffy and his crew are icons and when Netflix announced the One Piece live action, many fans were skeptical. Fans were scared it would end up like Netflix’s past anime live action attempts like their representation of another popular anime Cowboy Bebop.
After watching the show however, it wasn’t bad. The show makes a lot of changes to its manga and anime counterparts but creates a captivating show that’s only 8 episodes long. Although a lot of changes have been made it makes a great show for people to watch and especially for people who haven’t seen the original. This show is perfect for new viewers, with the show having a premise and ideas that can’t be seen in most live action media, it’s not too often you see a show with a boy who ate a fruit and wants to become king of the pirates, fighting along with people with all sorts of looks and skills. With the revisions of the show, cutting out characters and leaving out iconic features of the main cast, like Usopp’s long nose and Sanji’s curly eyebrows, new viewers won’t even know of these features, old viewers might be upset but as a way to bring in a different audience, this show is perfect.