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Career Visiting in CTE Pathways

Sophomore Darian Ahrendt, Cheynne Jones, and freshman Brianna Goudeau play games with Primary students.
Sophomore Darian Ahrendt, Cheynne Jones, and freshman Brianna Goudeau play games with Primary students.
Courtesy Photo

With the second semester getting started, it’s time to consider using the two college visit days and two career shadow days that junior and seniors have available to them all year long. Forms are located by the attendance office, as well as in the counselor’s office. 


  “Students can let their CTE instructor know that they’re interested in visiting a business and ask if they have any connections to that business and help set up a business,” CTE Director Charles Harford said. “Students can also visit with me and I can help get in contact with those businesses to set up a visit.”


  Students do not have to shadow a business that is related to the pathway they’re taking. It can be any business that peaks their interest as to what they want to do after high school. 


  “Start thinking about businesses that you would like to visit and talk with your CTE instructor about how to get those visits set up,” Harford said. “Use each day that is available. Students can use two days their Junior and Senior year to visit and explore possible career opportunities.  They are excused by the school. Don’t let these days go to waste.”


 One pathway that has students going off campus is the education and training pathway, taught by Girls’ Basketball Coach Marissa Coop. Several students have gone to other campuses to spend time in classrooms, these students include juniors Molly Quine, Julietta Gonzales, Brayan Dominguez-Hernandez, Janelle Martinez, Symphony Forbus, Jonathan Barron, Dana Armendariz, Monserrat Balsadua, Salvador Torres, and seniors Sophie Saxton, Emma Witt, Karen Maldonado, and Morgan Turner. 


 “I want to pursue a career in education,” Maldonaldo said. “I’m looking to teach 2nd and 3rd grade dual language because I feel like I could really make a difference. I was also a dual language student, so I know what they’re feeling and thinking. I feel like I could really make a difference with younger generations.”


 The education pathway gives students opportunities to be in classrooms hands on, allowing them to get experience with the grade levels they would want to teach. From field trips, to fun events, to special presentations, the education pathway lets students be able to make connections with students and teachers. 


 “I will always remember watching my students in action,” Coop said. “When they’ve helped run field days at the elementary schools, when I see them lead classes in lessons, STAAR review, games, activities, etc.  Watching my students teach other kids and demonstrate professionalism will always make me proud of them and this program”

Talk to your CTE teacher about visiting a business or organization today, and don’t forget to use your two days!