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The Student News Site of Kilgore High School

The Mirror

The Student News Site of Kilgore High School

The Mirror

The Student News Site of Kilgore High School

The Mirror

Girls Soccer

Kickin’ it to the next chapter
The varsity Girls soccer take a moment to pray before their game against the Henderson Lions.

As the Lady Dogs soccer season comes to an end, the seniors have to say goodbye to their team. Although this chapter of their life has come to an end they will forever hold the memories they have made with their team.

“My favorite part of this year’s season is how bonded we were. Although we did not go as far as we wanted, we loved and stuck through together,” junior Reese Burgess said.

The Lady dogs are coached by Jason Bragg and Todd BonDurant. “At Kilgore we expect a lot out of our student athletes and taking state is our main goal. Even though we fell through short of our goal this year our girls battled hard and made it to the 2nd round of the playoffs,” Coach Jason Bragg said.

The bond they hold will always be with them things they will carry with them.

“Something that soccer has taught me is being on the field brings us happiness. Injuries will come, but in the end you’ll come out stronger. You can get through anything you put your mind to,” junior Tracee Ferguson said.

Soccer has taught the senior many life lessons that they will take with them in their next journey of life.

“Playing soccer in general has taught me the true meaning
of teamwork and sportsmanship which I will use during getting my degree in communication sciences and disorders and my dream of becoming a Pediatric Speech Pathologist,” senior Emily Beason said.

Seniors even have some words to say to the underclassmen.

“Always give it your all because you don’t know when your last game will be. Play it like is your last game. Leave everything on the field because even if you don’t like the outcome later on, you played hard, ” senior Gloria Cedillo said.

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