Students await letter jacket arrivals

Putting patches on your letterman jacket allows you to display all that you have accomplished during your high school career. Photo by Lizett Garcia.

Earning a high school letter jacket is a very rewarding experience that students look forward to. This year, several students are expecting to receive their own unique, customized letter jackets.

“I’m most excited to see what it looks like with all the names and patches,” junior Lou Carlisle said. “I get to have my last name on the back, and I honestly think that is so cool, and my nickname, Lou, will be on the front.”

To receive a letter jacket, students must be involved in clubs or organizations such as band, yearbook, or art. Depending on the organization, there are different requirements that must be met to get a jacket. For example, to receive a jacket from newspaper you must be on staff for at least two years. While in orchestra, you must participate in various events to earn points towards your letter jacket.

“I am receiving my letter jacket

from orchestra,” junior Mari Composano said. “I thought the overall process was simple for what I was ordering, which was surprising.”

Students usually meet the requirements to get their letter jackets during their junior year of high school. However, it depends from person to person. Some students recieve their jacket as early as their sophomore year while others don’t get it until their senior year. Once the requirements are met, students then receive an order form where they get to customize their jackets to their own unique style with embroidery and patches.

“Since I am involved in newspaper, I will have the newspaper book patch and the volleyball patch because I’ve been playing volleyball half of high school,” Carlisle said.

Once the order form is filled out, students turn it in during their fitting. While getting fitted for a jacket, students try on various jackets sizes in order to get the best fit when their jacket arrives.

Balfour, the company that is providing the jackets, was able to come to KHS on Aug. 31 and on Sept. 1. Students got fitted for their jackets during their lunch period in the library. Balfour was able to assist students with fittings, make alterations to the jackets, and answer any questions.

“The fitting for my letter jacket was exciting because I was able to see how different letter jackets looked, and I was grateful to be able to order mine,” Composano said.

Last year, due to shiping delays because of COVID, some jackets did not arrive until February. However, this year the jackets are expected to arrive on time. They have already been ordered and should be in around late November or early December, just in time for the colder weather.

“What is most exciting to me about receiving my letter jacket is how I will be the only one in my family who has received a letter jacket with my name on it,” Composano said.