Students’ thoughts on Spider-Man: No Way Home premier
Senior Heaven Cantu selects her seats for Spider-Man: No Way Home.
Marvel movie Spider-Man: No Way Home premieres this Thursday. This movie is a great way for any Marvel fan to kick off their Christmas break. Theatres are already sold out in anticipation of the action-packed film.
“I’ve had my tickets for a while,” said junior Drew Adamez. “I remember watching the trailer and thinking I had to act fast.”
Followers of the Marvel cast often become invested in their other works, past and present.
“After Tom Holland’s debut as the new Spider-Man, I quickly became interested in his career,” said junior Aiden Lothrop. “I watched some of his recent movies, earlier stuff from his childhood, and even his Broadway shows. By now, I’ve probably seen everything of his.”
The trailers and interviews have hinted, and some confirmed, the return of villains and even other Spider-Men from alternate film universes. This is a collision of the three different worlds of heroes and villains, and fans can’t seem to get enough of it.
“I can’t wait to see Tom Holland on the big screen,” said Lothrop. “Seeing his talent in the newer Marvel movies has made me a big fan of his. One might say the biggest.”
The rumors of appearances of Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire’s has excited fans and sparked so many theories and debates.
“I can’t wait to see Andrew Garfield in this movie. In my opinion, he’s the best Spider-Man,” said junior Eli Arp. “Nobody else does it like him.”