Voices of Soul


The first Voices of Soul official meeting was Monday, October 11. They came together to officially decide times, designs for t-shirts, and go over rules and contracts. Voices of Soul is a singing group bringing together people, and making connections through gospel music. 

Voices of Soul represents Black History through gospel music. Music brings people together in so many ways, and shows love and emotion through lyrics. The gospel they sing is reaching out to God, and showing love and appreciation for everything He does for us.

The song the group warmed up with was Nobody Like You Lord, with Senior Jaleah Wafer singing solo. The song represents how God is great, and how He is the only God. Voices of Soul president Senior Whitney Hunt, led conversation talking about the rules and regulations of being a part of the choir. The group is led by Tristian Clements, who also teaches Spanish. 

Voices of Soul is great to be a part of, and is so much fun. Learning new things, new ways to sing, or just connecting with new people, is something that being in Voices of Soul brings. Celebrating Black History, and honoring God, is showing that everyone is loved and belongs. Voices of Soul is a meaningful choir, and is a privilege to be a part of.