November Student of the Month

Jazmin Baldazo Martinez

Senior Jazmin Baldazo Martinez is a seven year band member who plays the clarinet and a first year twirler. Along with earning All A’s Honor Roll twice, she is number seven in her class.

“I do my best in school and like to help others along the way,” Baldazo said.

Baldazo says that the biggest challenge in high school has been trying to balance school and work life. By taking it “one day at a time” she was able to get through the hardest weeks.

“What makes me proud is putting effort into what I’m involved in and seeing a great outcome,” Baldazo said.

Alongside band and twirling, Baldazo is also involved in community service. She helps by volunteering at the Lion’s Club building and cooking burgers and hot dogs. As the only girl, she thinks of it as one of her several “big accomplishments.”

“My biggest accomplishment is being able to be in the top ten in my class,” Baldazo said, “I moved to Texas from Mexico when I was two and only understood Spanish at the time, so putting in all the hard work has paid off.”

Baldazo said that when she leaves high school, she will miss her phlebotomy class the most. There were not a lot of students in that class, so they created strong bonds with each other. Health Science teacher Mr. Galvan is the teacher that has taught Baldazo the most. He helped her both school-wise and mentally.

“He is caring and always there for his students,” Baldazo said.

However, the teacher who has had the biggest impact on her is band director Mr. Walker.

“He watched me grow and mature for the seven years that I had him,” Baldazo said, “He made every year memorable and because of him I was able to do my best.”

Baldazo’s favorite memory in health science class is the time they “were able to do skills.” She also says the time Mr. Galvan put on a wig “that had more hair than him” was a really funny memory.

In ten years time Baldazo can see herself doing what she loves to do and with a family not too long after.

“In 10 years, I can see myself traveling to see nature and having a little family after that,” Baldazo said.

After graduating high school, she plans on attending TJC to earn a RDA certificate. She hopes to one day work as an orthodontist’s assistant. The thing she fears the most after graduating is not being able to spend time with the people she grew up with. Her best friend is her little sister, Ruby, and when life brings her down, she likes to go on drives in her car.

“I like to play music and drive around for a bit because it’s really relaxing,” Baldazo said.

Baldazo’s favorite quote is “At the end of the day, the day always ends” and the person who has had the biggest impact on her is herself.

“I’ve been through a bit, and l look back and think about how I was able to get through obstacles and I push myself to do my best,” Baldazo said.