Students LEAP to science

LEAP students visit health science program

Eryka Hopper

Junior Kylie Offerding helps two LEAP students learn about veterinary sciences.

LEAP stands for Learning Education Activities Program, it gives the accelerated students a chance to get advanced instruction. The program gives students activities that high schoolers and college students usually participate in. These students came to visit the high school this past week. They came to see the labs available in the health science program. 

“The higher level science projects help students interact in intensified science,” health science instructor Cheyenne Kirkpatrick who was in LEAP when she was in Kindergarten through 5th grade said.

Projects and activities include one-on-one mentoring, tutoring, academic enrichment, physical activity, and hands-on learning. Students not only learn about human care, but animal care as well.

LEAP is an astonishing program for the smart young ones that love to learn! We’re happy they were able to visit this week!