Model United Nations goes virtual

Rachel Niemeyer

Sophomore Olivia Bludell reviews Model UN rules and regulations before her upcoming event.

Students from all grades are currently preparing for the first-ever virtual Model United Nations (MUN) experience.

On Jan. 28 and 29, the traditional MUN sessions will be held via Zoom conference. Several are bearing mixed emotions towards this transition, as they are long-time participants who are hesitant to see their beloved event change.

“I chose to participate in Model UN this year because I always have a blast doing it,” senior Hylyn Lumpkins said. “The past 4 years I have participated, it has always been worth all of my hard work. Last year and the year before my country was able to walk away with an award in some of the separate contests. This year, I’m hoping to be able to do the same.”

MUN is a very interactive event, and this is new territory for everyone, including the sponsors and teachers, but especially the participants. Adapting to new COVID-19 regulations will be interesting to say the least.

“Holding Model UN virtually will certainly be a huge change from what it normally is,” Lumpkins said. “I’m disappointed I won’t physically be able to go to Region 7 and participate, but maybe this change will allow for me to be bolder when participating.”

Several students are eager to see

how the current changes in the world will affect the event. The pandemic itself, and issues like police brutality and racial injustice are sure to be prevalent topics this year.

“I think it will be really important to discuss our current world issues at this year’s event, rather than choosing to ignore them,” sophomore Delaney Moses said. “I believe our Model UN will definitely be more significant this year, and I’m very excited to hear everyone’s input.”

Many delegates are hesitant to participate virtually. Most upperclassmen doing Model UN this year are “veterans” so to say, and are a tad unsure to change the MUN they have grown so accustomed to.

“I feel really uncertain,” senior Rachel Bowman said. “I had assumed that Model UN would be a breeze this year, as I’ve done it technically three years. I assumed that by senior year, my friends and I would know the ropes and be very successful. However, with the virtual competition adding a new element, we don’t know the competition as well and that throws off my certainty that we would do as well.”

Several students have become more eager to participate, especially this year. The issues that have recently met the world are on many students’ minds.

“I normally participate in Model UN every year, but it is important to me now more than ever to be involved,” sophomore Bethany

McWilliams said. “With all the events that have happened over the course of 2020, I feel more inclined to reach out and find solutions for the problems we are struggling to solve.”

Once again, some Model United Nations pros are a bit nervous to take part in this brand new thing that is so foreign to everyone including the MUN sponsor, Carl Mohn. Students have great concerns, but are still doing what they can to remain hopeful.

“I would say I have some mixed emotions about Model UN being virtual this year,” senior Cerenity Exline said. “It will definitely be different this year with having the entire event virtual, and I am not sure completely how I feel about it, but I know it will be great. I think the best part of Model UN is the actual debate which we normally do face to face and by raising placards, which I am not sure exactly what adjustments and changes will have to be made this year, but I know will make it work.”

This Model UN will certainly be one for the history books. Many participating students possess very strong opinions on very polarizing topics the world is seeing right now, so there is sure to be one of MUN’s notorious, heated debates.

“I think that Model UN will definitely be more significant than ever this year because of the state of the world,” sophomore Sam Clements said. “The event will not only allow students to share their opinions, but also share their ideas as to how to fix global situations.”