Holiday conflict
When is too soon to move on to the next holiday?
Canva image representing the holiday conflicts.
This time of the year conflict arises surrounding the wide range of holidays and when each season ends. After Halloween, when is too soon to begin preparing for Thanksgiving festivities or to set up a Christmas tree and lights around the house? This debate is strong among teenagers and the most common argument is when is it too early to listen to Christmas music? Some find Christmas music their favorite thing to listen to year-round. If this is something that makes someone happy, then there is no reason for them to go without their joyful, spirit-filled tunes.
Thanksgiving doesn’t have many festivities to look forward to other than the Superbowl and the iconic, ever so looked forward to Thanksgiving feast with family and friends. Some may even consider watching the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving movie an anticipated festivity for the holiday. Regardless, Thanksgiving is widely overshadowed by the Christmas holiday. This is obvious by the fact that the Friday after Thanksgiving is Black Friday – a day set apart for Christmas shopping.
Whether one prefers Christmas trap music, traditional holiday songs, or children’s Christmas songs, at what point is it acceptable to turn up the Christmas time jams? The common social acceptance for listening to Christmas music is after Thanksgiving, and even one day before could cause strife among family and friends. As funny as it sounds, people find it comically disrespectful to celebrate the Christmas holiday before Thanksgiving has come to an end. Despite arguments and disagreements, music is music and Christmas music is acceptable at any time of the year. So start creating the ultimate Christmas playlist with Justin Bieber, Mariah Carey, Ariana Grande, and all of the other delightful Christmas albums the world of music has to offer despite what month it is.