Prom Committee delivers poinsettias

Sales help minimize cost of spring prom tickets

  • Juniors Shelby Maring and Carter Williams deliver their poinsettias together.

  • Junior Jaiden Thompson carries a poinsettia with a cheerful smile. Photos by Skyelar Howell & Payton Berger.

  • Junior Madalynn Parrymore manages to squeeze 49 poinsettias in her car safely.

  • The prom committee works together to ll up a car with poinsettias.

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The Prom Committee spread Christmas cheer on Dec. 5 by delivering poinsettias from their annual fundraiser. The poinsettias were sold throughout October and November, and buyers received their Christmas flowers last Thursday. The money raised goes towards making the best possible prom for our students while keeping ticket costs down.

“Kilgore should be proud that our prom ticket prices have not gone up in years due to fundraisers like the poinsettia sales,” prom committee sponsor Amy Bates said. “Because these kids sell poinsettias, their friends don’t have to pay as much for prom as kids at other schools do.”

This fundraiser has proven effective throughout the years. Members of the community look forward to buying the plants every year and supporting the prom.

“Members of the community know the money is going to a good cause, and it puts people in the mood for Christmas,” junior vice president Shelby Maring said.

The committee went out of their way to sell large amounts of plants. Several members make it a friendly competition. Junior Madalynn Parrymore sold the most poinsettias with 49 plants.

“I’m lucky because my grandma asked a bunch of her friends and they bought a couple each,” Parrymore said. “Everyone that bought from me got at least two to five.”

Delivering the large numbers of plants can be quite a challenge. Most members sold at least twenty poinsettias and had to find a way to deliver them in the time span of five class periods. The members came up with creative ways to fit all the plants in their vehicles and deliver on time.

“I was able to get all of my poinsettias into the car, but they were super tight. I had to keep making sure they didn’t fall,” junior David Moreno said.

The students were excused from school during the first half of the day to deliver the poinsettias. Many of them have after school practices, so delivering plants during the day is essential to finish on the one delivery day.

“Delivery went really smoothly, and it was fun to see people light up when they received their poinsettias. It was also a good break before finals,” junior Ciaira Guyton said.

The money raised from the plants will go towards the prom decor, DJ, lighting, food and venue cost. The prom is the only dance of the year, so the committee tries to make it the best it can possibly be.

“We are raising funds to have a great prom,” secretary and treasurer Olivia Arp said. “Prom can’t happen without adequate funds and our poinsettias and fern sales in spring make a great prom possible.”

The committee is now focusing on the prom’s theme and preparing for the night’s events.

“We just voted on and selected a theme, and when prom comes around we’ll decorate and set prom up based around our selected theme,” Arp said.

Prom will be May 2, 2020 at Maude Cobb and tickets will be $25 each.