Homecoming Queen to be announced

The duchesses are Ja’Da Abercrombie, Rori Bigos, Trinity Bradshaw, Kayla Butler
Lauren Caldwell, Jordan Callaway, Madison Celley, Olivia Chalk, Aligah Colbert (not pictured), Mallory Cook, Lauren Couch, Jade East, Katy Edens, Julia Greene, Maci Hatcher, Ashley Hernandez, Maliyah Holland (not pictured), Ciara Hopper, Cheyanne Jones, Alicia Jones, Sarah Loomis
Kristal Loredo, Carlie Massey, Dayton McElyea, Jimena Pina, Madison Robins, Erith Rushing, Daisy Salazar, Diamond Smith, Arabella Spradlin, Leticia Vallejo, Meliza Vega, Jordan Ware, & Chloe Whipple
The Duchesses will be voted for Princesses by 3:25 on Tuesday, Sept. 17. From there, the Queen will be announced before the Homecoming game on Friday. The Duchesses will also be in the Homecoming Parade on Thursday, Sept. 19.