FFA Sponsors Teacher Lunch Aug. 9

The officers got enjoy their own meal after serving the teachers.

During teacher in-service the FFA sponsored lunch for the teachers. They served chicken sandwiches and hamburgers with chips and dessert.

“The teachers give us so much during our year at the high school, to me this is our way of giving back to them,” vice president and junior Kace Murphy said.

The teachers and staff gathered during their lunch break to have fellowship while they enjoyed their food.

“This is my third year being able to cook and serve for our teachers. Every year I’ve been able to see the teachers enjoy what we serve,” 2nd vice president and senior Kaden Clark said.

The group arrived at the school at 7:30 a.m. to begin cooking and preparing lunch. The food was from Butcher Shop. Items such as tomatoes, buns, lettuce and cheese were already prepared.

“We all woke up early this morning to start cooking for the teachers and we enjoy giving back to them all,” treasurer and senior Colton Burrows said.

As soon as the group arrived to the school they began warming up the grill. Once it was heated, the students seasoned the hamburger and chicken patties and put them on the grill to cook. The burgers and chicken were placed in tin trays and covered to keep them warm.

“It’s really become a tradition for us. We enjoy giving back to the people that give us everything they can,” secretary and junior Chase Borders said.

Cooking and preparing for the teacher lunch was the brunt of the work the students had on their hands. After everything was cooked and ready, the group moved the food, plates, napkins, plastic ware, cookies and candy to the cafeteria where they set it up so that the teachers could serve themselves and enjoy their free lunch.

“We are so appreciative of the involvement of our FFA organization. The food was delicious and anything free tastes better,” assistant band director Yvonne Garcia said.

Not only do the teachers appreciate the food prepared just for them, they enjoyed congregating and getting to know the fellow staff before the school year. It has been an event they look forward to for years.

“I always appreciate FFA for our chicken and hamburger lunch. It’s the best every year and it’s a great fellowship for us,” library aide Lovetta Williams said.

This year the school has welcomed a new agriculture teacher, Macie Wagstaff.

“As my first year here at Kilgore as the agriculture teacher, the FFA officers have been a joy to work with and I’m excited for the year ahead,”  agriculture teacher Macie Wagstaff said.

  • Junior Kace Murphy and senior Josh Young unload boxes of fixings for the teachers.

  • Teachers line up and serve themselves the meal FFA provided.

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