Largest winterguard team ever forms after successful tryouts
Tryout success • (Top row) Sophomores Brook’lynn Christian, Elizabeth Kimberlin, freshmen A’Mya Richardson, Isabela Jimenez, sophomore Karla Ortiz, freshmen Ky’Ara Luckerson, Ryley Bell, Makajah Mumphrey. (Bottom row) Freshman Brittnee Flynn, Captain & sophomore Kayla Whatley, freshman Summer McGee, junior Zowie Turner gather before tryouts. (Not pictured are freshman Hailey Celley, junior Arabella Spradlin, sophomore Jordan McGee.) Photo by Carlie Massey.
On Dec. 6, the color guard held their annual winterguard tryouts.
A total of 15 people tried out and all of them made the team. This will be the largest line the band has ever had.
“I am really excited about this year’s winterguard,” junior Zowie Turner said.
Winterguard is very different from colorguard. While
color guard performs more ag tricks during football season, winterguard has more choreography in their routine. They also perform indoors.
Also instead of live music such as the band, they use recorded music.
While it is different, trying out is still a nerve racking process. For many of these girls, it would be their rst time trying out.
“I was really nervous about tryouts because there was a lot of people, and we weren’t sure how many people they were going to take,” freshmen Ryley
Bell said.
There was countless hours
spent trying to prepare the girls for the tryouts. There were four after school practices to teach the girls the routine and how to handle the ags.
“After I learned our tryout routine, I practiced it a few times a day. I was running it in my head or using my ag,” sophomore Elizabeth Kimberlin said.
Captain Kayla Whatley created the tryout routine using basic fundamentals, so that way the girls were able to get it down.
“I made lists of everything
we were going to do and documented everything along the way,” Whatley said. “I created chats for the girls and set up the practices and times to meet up.”
The winterguard attends competitions and compete against other teams in Texas.
In February, there will be the MA competition at Tyler Junior College.
“I’m excited to attend competitions because it will be a new experience for me,” freshman A’Mya Richardson said.